Hydrates and treats superficial wrinkles with Platelet Rich Plasma

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Hydrates and treats superficial wrinkles with Platelet Rich Plasma

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The appearance of the first wrinkles causes some concern or concern, but never indifference. The security and self-esteem that accompany women and also many men, is altered by the appearance of those lines and furrows that indicate a certain deterioration that has begun in our skin.

We may think, why are these fine lines appearing if I am still young? and perhaps we compare ourselves with an older relative who has not appeared.

This is the time to seek information that will channel our concern. First, it is necessary to understand what are the components of our skin that give us freshness and youth

Then, why do some women have wrinkles sooner than others? What may be the causes or factors that predispose to their rapid appearance? What are the best treatments to minimize the wrinkles that have appeared and delay others? and Where can I go to have a proven treatment with good results?

Next we will give answers to these common questions in our consultation, so that we understand what are the components of our skin that generate the appearance of those first wrinkles, superficial until now.

What are the components of our skin?

  • Epidermis. It is covered by an emulsion of water and lipids (fats) known as a hydrolipidic film, which is maintained by secretions from the sweat and sebaceous glands, essential substances to maintain skin homeostasis and delay aging.
  • The dermis.  The deepest layer of the skin, made of fibroelastic connective tissue, contains a high proportion of fibers, not very compacted, of collagen, elastin and reticulin, the basic components for skin elasticity and hydration.

Why do wrinkles appear?

There is no single factor or cause that influences the appearance of wrinkles, experts agree that it can be a combination of them, or a significant exposure to one of the factors, such as sunlight, its excess is highly harmful.

Exposure to ultraviolet light causes damage to the connective tissue of the skin, breaks down the compound of collagen and elastin fibers, which is located in the deepest layer of the dermis. Connective tissue provides the supporting structure to the skin and provides resistance and elasticity. Among the causes we can list:

  • Wrinkles in young women. In the case of young women, the main cause of the early appearance of wrinkles is the ultraviolet radiation, bywhich accelerates the process of natural deterioration. 
  • Genetics and appearance of wrinkles. If you have a close family whose skin is fragile, you may be predisposed to wrinkles early.
  • Other factors Poor diet, toxic habits such as alcohol and tobacco. Stress is very damaging because it is oxidative at the cellular level and causes silent inflammation, which we neither see nor feel, but it causes it to accelerate and skin cells to prematurely age.

At this point we are clear about the importance of understanding the relationship between the structure of the skin and hydration, the factors that influence the appearance of wrinkles, and the need to take preventive measures so that their appearance is delayed and keep the skin as long as possible without obvious deterioration.

How to keep the skin young for longer? The answer lies in Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment (PRP)

This treatment is a moisturizing cosmetic that helps maintain or restore skin moisture, delay aging and provide solutions to problem skin, providing quality lipids and regenerating moisturizers from the body itself. 

This extraordinary medical beauty treatment is indicated to regenerate texture, reduce flaccidity and reduce fine wrinkles. It activates cell regeneration which allows you to have a better quality of skin, with better texture, less flaccidity and wrinkles.

The treatment is applied with a gun that fires multiple superficial micro-injections painless by following a careful procedure consisting of the following steps: 1) The patient's blood is drawn. 2) It is placed in a centrifuge machine that separates the blood into several parts. 3) The PRP is taken to infiltrate the area of ​​the face that we want to treat. 4) A calcium compound is added to PRP to activate platelets. 5) It is applied to the patient's skin with a special device that reduces any discomfort.

What results can you expect?

Your face will look fresh and alive due to the generation of new blood vessels with more nutrients for the proliferation of cells and fibers. In the same way, you will notice a rejuvenated face, with less sagging, increased luminosity and a reduction in wrinkles and expression lines.

We apply this treatment in our Clinic located in Tenerife directed by the renowned plastic surgeon and aesthetic doctor Dr. Antonio García and his extraordinary team of specialists. Do not hesitate to contact us to entrust your face to the best hands.

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Aesthetic Health Clinic - Dr Antonio García
C / La Marina, 23 (corner. Bouza), 38002 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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