Gill: Belkyra

La face reshaping has a new successful technique that represents a huge advance as an effective, simple and non-invasive method for the definition of the facial oval.

The introduction in Spain by laboratories Allergan of this new injectable product, allows the elimination of submental fat without having to undergo liposuction of the neck and, therefore, without going through the operating room.

El Belkyra® It is a product that infiltrates with a thin needle in the area of ​​the jowl, causing the death of those fat cells and the disappearance of fat. The skin, in response to inflammation, retracts and reattaches to the angle of the neck. With this we managed to get rid of the submental fat, to have a young neck and to define the angle of the jaw, ideal in both women and men.

Retraction of submental fat

Once the diagnosis of the patient's suitability has been made, the Dr. Antonio Garcia apply the treatment directly to the area to destroy localized fat. After the first session, a control review is established after approximately one month and several weeks later the second session is addressed. During this time, the desired elimination effect is produced at the same time that it encourages the skin to fold.

Once the body dissolves the targeted fat through its metabolism, its effect is permanent

They are foreseen of y four sessions according to the degree that the patient presents.

Featured treatments

Aesthetic Health Clinic - Dr Antonio García
C / La Marina, 23 (corner. Bouza), 38002 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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