Anti Spot Treatment
The spots on the skin are produced by the different distribution of melanin (the pigment that allows us to protect ourselves from the sun's rays) and melanocytes (the cells that secrete melanin).
There are different types of stains, some of them are hormonal, but it is always necessary to be careful with exposure to the sun and use sunscreen.
En CSE | Clínica Salud Estética we offer you a wide range of facials. We have the best and most advanced technology to recover the luminosity of the skin.
Anti Spot Treatment
The treatment of spots must be based on a medical assessment of its determining causes and, in accordance with this diagnosis, we offer individualized treatments based on the problem and skin type. These therapies can combine one or more of the following treatments:
It must be taken into account that it is necessary to have a good skin preparation and a strict protocol after it, especially with regard to sun protection.
The development of the peelings has achieved the application of new depigmenting substances and, above all, of new ways of penetrating the assets in the skin No need to cause irritation. With this we managed to stimulate the desired cell renewal avoiding being aggressive.