Dr. Patricia López Fajardo
Dr. Patricia López Fajardo is intensive medicine specialist With a long career at the Hospital La Candelaria in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Got sor doctorate in Biomedical and Clinical Research.
After many years dedicated to his specialty, he wanted train in Aesthetic Medicine and that's how he did the specific Master of the Complutense University of Madrid. This path finally led him to CSE | Clínica Salud Estética and quickly tuned in with the philosophy and working method of Dr. Antonio García and your team.
With it, therefore, we have a holistic and comprehensive training doctor who can rely on the increasingly sophisticated procedures and technologies we develop. In particular, run the Profound-CSE system, which requires such a specialist, and the treatments of facial, neck and cleavage redensification.
1. University Training:
- Bachelor's degree in Medicine and Surgery from ULL.
2. Postgraduate University Training:
- Training via MIR, in Intensive Care medicine, at HUNSC: 1996-2001.
- Rotation by the Unit Pediatric Intensive Medicine. Qualification Excellent.
- Rotation by the Unit postoperative of cardiac surgery. Qualification: Excellent.
- Studies Doctorate in Biomedical and Clinical Research (Research aptitude). Outstanding Rating
- Doctoral Thesis: "Association between TIMP-1 levels and mortality in patients with severe head trauma." Reading on October 16, 2014. Cum Laude rating. Publication of the same PLOS ONE April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4.
- Service Commission in the Unit of neurotrauma. Addenbrooks Hospital (NHI). Cambridge 2011.
- MIR Scholarship With full dedication. HUNSC. Perfluorocarbon ventilation prevents and / or attenuates acute lung injury, 1999.
- Annual Research Award. Our Lady of La Candelaria University Hospital. S / C of Tenerife. FIRST PRIZE: "Imaging techniques in percutaneous tracheostomy". Patricia López, Carmen R. Fraga, Vicente Martín, Mar Martín, Candelaria Ruiz. April 2002
- Master in Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine by the Complutense University of Madrid. July 2019
- Optional Area Specialist in Intensive medicine (HUNSC). (2001- present).
- Coordinator of the Neurotrauma Section: since December 2008.
- Member of the Transplant Commission from HUNSC.
- Aesthetic Doctor in Aesthetic Health Clinic.
Diplomas and certificates obtained in health training activities related to the specialty.
- SEMICYUC National CPR Plan: advanced life support course:
- 11-14 June 2007. 8,1 Credits. 42 teaching hours (22 classroom).
- 26-29 November 2007: 8,1 Credits. 42 teaching hours (22 classroom).
- 25-28 February 2008. 8,1 Credits. 42 teaching hours (22 classroom).
- 9-12 February 2009. 8,1 Credits. 42 teaching hours (22 classroom).
- November 16-19, 2009. 8,1 Credits. 42 Hours (22 classroom).
- 8-11 February 2010.42 Teaching hours (22 classroom). Teaching hours 5
- 14-27 November 2011.42 Teaching hours (22 classroom). Teaching hours 4.
- 15-18 October 2012.42 Teaching hours (22 classroom). Teaching hours 4.
- 12-15 November 2012. 42 teaching hours (22 classroom). Teaching hours 9.
- November 26-29, 2012. 42 teaching hours (22 classroom). Teaching hours 5. 3,6 Credits.
- 24-27 November 2014. 42 teaching hours (22 classroom). Teaching hours 5.
- 7-10 November 2016.42 Teaching hours (22 classroom). Teaching hours 5. 1,5Credits.
- May 22-25, 2017 (22 contact hours). Hours taught: 6. 4,5 Credits.
- June 19-22, 2017 (22 contact hours). Hours taught 6.
- ESSSCAN: advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation course.
- 17-20 November 2008. Teacher 3 hours and 30 minutes.
- 25-28 May 2009. Teacher 5 hours.
- 16-19 November 2010. Teacher 5 hours and 45 minutes.
- Master's Degree in Critical Medicine. Topic 12: Brain death and neurocritical patient. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Cerebral Stroke. ULL. 13-14 January 2012 (10 hours).
- Update Course on specific EMERGENCIES Issues. Canary Islands School of Health and Social Services. Las palmas de Gran Canaria October 2008. (30 min).
- Severe Trauma and Triage Day. Cranioencephalic trauma, new approaches. CETPH. October 22, 2011.
- Updating course for the neurocritical patient.
- Pathophysiology: neurovascular unit, brain compliance, brain self-regulation.
- Aneurysmal SAH: new classification systems. Guide to clinical practice for delayed ischemia. Management of hyponatremia.
- DTCC: from skepticism to practice.
- Malignant stroke: early diagnosis. Up Date on the indications for decompressive craniectomy. HUNSC. November 10-11. Canary Islands Commission for Continuous Training of the health professions: 1,8 Credits.
- Participation as moderator in the Scientific Poster session called: Neurointensivism / Emergency. June 10, 2013.
- FCCS: Fundamental Critical Care Support Course. Society of Critical care Medicine and SEMICYUC. Jun 2009.. INSTRUCTOR LEVEL. 47 teaching hours
- I Practical theoretical course in the management of the difficult airway. HUNSC 16 and 17 November 2000.
- Project training course. Pneumonia Zero . SEMICYUC March 2012. 3 Credits.
- Continuing Education Course Central venous catheterization techniques. September 2008. 8,4 Credits.
- Second World Conference on acute lung Injury and 10th International Conference on Mechanical Ventilation. February 2004. 16 Hours.
- Training course of the Bacteriema Zero project. SEMICYUC 2009. 1,3 credits.
- XII Practical Course on extracorporeal clearance treatment. April 5-7. Minimally Invasive Surgery Center. 13 teaching hours: 12 hours of theory, 11 hours of practice.
- Bases for the realization of a professional memory. April 2002. 16 teaching hours.
- I Multimedia Online Course of Medicine in Clinical Ultrasound of continuing medical training: Module I: Introduction to clinical ultrasound. Physical principles, elementary images and basic semiology. Ultrasound operation. 12 teaching hours. 1 Credit 2012
- I Multimedia Online Course of Medicine in Clinical Ultrasound of continuing medical training: Module II: Fast Protocol. Intra-abdominal free fluid detection. Kidney and bladder. 12 teaching hours. 1,1 Credits. 2012
- Clinical ultrasound of continuing medical training. Module III: Abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava. 14 teaching hours. 1,3 Credits. 2012.
- Clinical ultrasound: Module IV: Gallbladder and bile duct. 12 teaching hours. 1,1 Credits. 2012.
- Clinical ultrasound Module V: Spleen and Liver. 14 teaching hours. 1,3 Credits 2012
- Clinical ultrasound Module VI: Basic Echocardiography. 12 teaching hours. 1 Credit 2012
- Clinical ultrasound. Module VII: Deep vein thrombosis. 12 teaching hours. 1,1 Credits. 2012.
- Clinical ultrasound Module VIII: Pulmonary ultrasound. 12 teaching hours. 1,1 Credits 2012
- Clinical ultrasound Module IX: Procedures guided by ultrasound. 12 hours read 1,1 Credits 2012
- 19st Multidisciplinary Conference on Serious Traumatic Disease: Neurointensivism and Trauma Working Group. SEMICYUC October 20-2016, 2. XNUMX credits
- XVII International Symposium on Neuromonitoring and Neurocritical Patient Treatment. 13 teaching hours. 18-19 Nov 2016. 1,8 Credits.
- PIC Course 2016: Update and controversies in cerebral vascular pathology. 0,8 Credits. Monitoring of oxygenation and brain metabolism in the neurocritical patient. 0,8 Credits. Update on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of patients with head trauma. 0,9 Credits. Monitoring of brain self-regulation in neurocritical patients. 0,8 Credits.
- Ultrasound in the critical patient. I course of echocardiography and lung ultrasound. October 10, 2017. 6 teaching hours and 8 classroom hours.
- Notification and learning system for patient safety for SiNASP hospitals. July 1, 2018.
- Instructor in Advanced Life Support. European Resuscitation Council. SEMICYUC
- Instructor in Advanced Life Support. Society of Critical Care Medicine SEMICYUC
- Coordinator Neurocritical Section (2008- present)
- University teaching: Venia Docendi: Clinical Pharmacology, Emergency and Intensive (30 hours).
- Teaching Contributor from July 1, 2001 to the present.
- ULL external internship tutor since January 14, 2015
- Co-Director in End of Degree Work: Mortality in patients with postcardiac arrest syndrome undergoing therapeutic hypothermia at HUNSC. Course 2015-2016.
- Annual Research Award. Our Lady of La Candelaria University Hospital. S / C of Tenerife. FIRST PRIZE: “Imaging techniques in percutaneous tracheostomy.” Patricia López, Carmen R. Fraga, Vicente Martín, Mar Martín, Candelaria Ruiz. April 2002
Presentations or meetings in Congresses:
- Implications of decompressive craniectomy on cerebral tissue oxygenation. Results in a pilot study. XV Symposium of neuromonitoring and treatment of the neurocritical patient. ISBN: 978-84-616-1683-1.
- Oxygenation and cerebral metabolism. Reality or fiction ?. Usefulness of monitoring PtiO2 in the neurocritical patient. XLVIII National Congress of SEMICYUC. Tenerife 2013
Communication or poster to meetings and congresses:
- Comparative analysis of thrombolytic efficacy in AMI with rtpa: accelerated pattern vs. double bolus. JJ Blanco, CR Fraga, P. López, LA Ramos, RN Jorge. XXXIII National Congress of the SEMICYUC June 1998.
- Imaging techniques in percutaneous tracheostomy. López Fajardo P., Fraga Quintana C. R, Martín García V, Martín Velasco M, Ruiz García C. XXXVI National Congress of the SEMICYUC. JUNE 2001.
- Incidence of nososcomial infection in a liver transplant programor. Martín Velasco M, Colmenero C, Lorente L, Trujillo A, Fraga C, López P, Hernández D, Martín J. XXXVIII National Congress of the SEMICYUC. June 2003
- Factors that influence the prolongation of mechanical ventilation in patients undergoing liver transplantation. Trujillo Alonso A, Montiel Glez R, Méndez Cordovez F, García Poignon G, Lubillo Montenegro S, Martín Miranda J, López Fajardo P, Fraga Quintana CR, Ruiz García C. XL National Congress of the SEMICYUC June 2005.
- Medication in the first 24 hours of evocluion of acute coronary syndrome. Martín Miranda J, Trujillo Alonso A, Molina Díaz I, Montiel Glez R, García Poignon G, Méndez Cordovez F, Aragao A, Belmonte Ripollés F, Igeño Cano JC, Fraga Quintana CR, Ruiz garcía C, López Fajardo P. XL National Congress of the SEMICYUC June 2005.
- Assessment of the chronological priority in medical care for acute coronary syndrome in the health population of the University Hospital Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria. Molina Díaz I, Méndez Cordovez F, Martín Miranda J, Trujillo AA, Monitel Glez R, López Fajardo P, Ruiz García C, Fraga Quintana CR. Belmonte Ripollés F. XL National Congress of the SEMICYUC June 2005.
- Early onset of platelet antiaggregation in acute coronary syndrome prior to admission to the Intensive medicine unit. Molina Díaz, I, Montiel glez R, Martín Miranda J, Trujillo Alonso A, Ruiz García C, Méndez Cordovez F, Garcçía Poignón G, López Fajardo P, Fraga Quintana CR, Aragao A, Igeño cano JC, Belmonte Riopllés F. XL Congreso SEMICYUC National June 2005.
- Are the results of Prowes and Enhance corroborated in daily clinical practice?. Ruiz García C, Méndez Cordovez F, Fraga Quintana CR, López Fajardo P, Molina Díaz I, Martín Miranda J. XLI National Congress of the SEMICYUC June 2006.
- Diagnosis of hopsitalization and period of hospital stay of immigrants after navigation at sea, several days in patera or cayuco. J. Martín Miranda, I. Molina Díaz, JC Igeño cano, G. García Poignon, P. López Fajardo, C. Ruiz García. XLII National Congress of the SEMICYUC June 2007.
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage. Diagnostic procedures; treatment and complications on HUNSC. Rodríguez Ramos S, Aragao A., Igeño Cano JC, Medina Rguez J, Martín Miranda j, Montiel Glez R, López fajardo P, Ruiz García C. XLIII National Congress of the SEMICYUC June 2008.
- Management of the malignant stroke of the middle cerebral artery and vital prognosis. Belmonte Ripollés F, García Rguez D, Medina Rguez JC, García Poignón G, Sánchez Pérez M, Igeño Cano JC López Fajardo P, Villar Van Den Weygaert C. XLIV National Congress of the SEMICYUC June 2009.
- Prognostic value of changes in tissue pressure of cerebral oxygen before and after decompressive craniectomy in patients with severe head trauma. Santiago Lubillo, Jesús Morera, Ismael Molina, Patricia López, Javier Domínguez. XIV International symposium of neuromonitoring and treatment of the neurocritical patient. November 16-20, 2010.
- Triple H in vasospasm after HSA: from theory to practice. Moisés Sánchez Pérez, Felipe Belmonte Ripollés, Patricia López Fajardo, Candelaria Ruiz García, Raquel Monitel Glez, Dolores Escudreo Mújica. XV International symposium of neuromonitoring and treatment of the neurocritical patient. 16-17 November 2012.
- Neurological results in cardiorespiratory arrest in the Intensive Medicine unit of the Hospital Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria (UMI HUNSC). García Morales I, López Fajardo P, Hernández Chávez JC, Lorenzo Bello C. LI National Congress of the SEMICYUC. June 2016
- Side effects of hypertonic saline: Guilty or innocent?. Montelongo Ojeda CM, Pinedo Luján E, Secaduras Arvelo TN, Peña Díaz M, López Fajardo P, Parrilla Toribio D, Ayala Durán R, Peinado Rueda E, Medina Rguez JC, Lubillo Montenegro S. LI National Congress of the SEMICYUC. June 2016
- Neuroimaging in Mode B: from skepticism to practice. López Fajardo P, Pérez lopez S. Avila Martín H, Montelongo Ojeda C, García Morales I, Pinedo Luján E, Ayala Durán R, Ruiz García C, Lubillo Montenegro S. LI. National Congress of the SEMICYUC. June 2016
- Presurgical characterization of liver transplanted patients with hepatocarcinoma in the CCAA Canary Islands Reference Center. 19 years of experience Rodríguez Ramos, S; Hairstyle Wheel E; Pedrero García A; Ayala Durán R; Pérez Méndez L; López Fajardo P. LII National Congress SEMICYUC 2017 Madrid.
- Indicators of effectiveness and safety in the stroke code according to the location of the artery affected. Peña Díaz M., Pérez López S., López Fajardo P., Martín Avila H., Secaduras Arvelo T. LIII SEMICYUC National Congress. 10-13 June 2018.
- Vasospasm in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage who entered the Intensive Medicine Service at HUNSC. Peña Díaz M., Secaduras Arvelo T., Peinado Rueda E., Ruiz García C., López Fajardo P. LIII National Congress SEMICYUC. 10-13 June 2018.
- Descriptive analysis of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the HUNSC. Peña Díaz M., Secaduras Arvelo T., Ayala Durán R., Peinado Rueda E., López Fajardo P. LIII National Congress SEMICYUC. 10-13 June 2018.
- Intensive medicine in the Ictus Code. Secaduras Arvelo t., Pérez López S., López Fajardo P. LIII SEMICYUC National Congress. 10-13 June 2018.
- Comparison of thrombectomy in HUNSC in the 1st and 2nd - 3rd year and other published series of patients. Rivero Darias A., López Fajardo P. LIII SEMICYUC National Congress. 10-13 June 2018.
National dissemination book:
- Color-coded Transcranial Duplex Manual in the neurocritical patient. ISBN: 978-84-695-8629-7.
Chapter of the book:
National Broadcast:
- Advanced life support manual in adult and pediatric patients. ISBN: 978-84-15951-17-3.
- Emergency Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria. Action manual. 2012 ISBN: 978-84-695-4106-7.
- Head injury. Gonzalo Ruiz Benitez de Lugo and Comyn, Yanire Sánchez Medina, Patricia López Fajardo.
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage. Patricia López Fajardo; Elvira Castro García.
International Diffusion:
- SNC Neurocritical Support From the urgency to intensive therapy. ISBN: 978-958-8813-14-1. Current management of head trauma. Santiago Lubillo Montenegro, MD; Patricia López Fajardo, MD; Felipe Belmonte Ripollés, MD; Sara Miranda Montero, MD; Mará Aránzazu Ramos Izquierdo, MD.
Articles published in magazines:
National broadcast:
- Patricia López Fajardo, Santiago Lubillo Montenegro. Advances in head trauma. Emergencies 2009; 21: 433-440.
C. Solís Reyes, P. López Fajardo, E. Rodríguez Carrasco, J. S León. Clinical guide to mild and moderate craniocerebral trauma in Pediatrics.Can Pediatr 2010; 34 (1) 31-37
International broadcast:
- Vicente Martín, Patricia López. Short communication. Pulmonary hemorrhagic leptospirosis. Radiology 2000: 42 (10): 563-565
- JM. Togores Veguero, López Fajardo P. Martín García V. The Sign of the investment (Reversal sign). Neuroimaging section. Rev Neurol 2001; 32 (4): 392
- JC Igeño Cano, P. López Fajardo, I. Molina Díaz, S. Lubillo Montenegro. Elevation of the head of the bed in severe head trauma. Intensive Med 2009. Nov; 33 (8): 408-9.
- S. Lubillo, J.Blanco, P. López, I. Molina, J. Domínguez, L. Carrera, JJ Manzano. Role of decompressive craniectomy in the neurocritical patient. Intensive Med 2009; 33 (2): 72-81
- S. Lubillo, J. Blanco, P. López, J. Domínguez, C. Ruiz, I. Molina, J. Morera. Does decompressive craniectomy improve other parameters besides ICP? Intensive Med. 2011; 35 (3): 166-169.
- Santiago T. Lubillo, MD, PhD Dácil M. Parrilla, MD José Blanco, MD, PhD Jesús Morera, MD Jaime Dominguez, MD, PhD Felipe Belmonte, MD Patricia López, MD, PhD Ismael Molina, MD, PhD Candelaria Ruiz, MD Francisco J. Clemente, RN, 1 and Daniel A. Godoy, MD, FCCM. Prognostic value of changes in brain tissue oxygen pressure before and after decompressive craniectomy following severe traumatic brain injury.Journal of Neurosurgery, 2017 / Vol.128 / 15381546.