Digestive Clinical Nutrition
If you suffer any digestive pathology, such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or bacterial overgrowth, we can help you complement your medical treatment with specific diets for each case.
Digestive Clinical Nutrition
Food plays an important role in digestive pathologies, since may aggravate or mitigate symptomatology. In these cases, even healthy foods can worsen the patient's clinical picture.
Our goal in CSE | Clínica Salud Estética in Tenerife. It is to reduce the patient's symptoms through food and, therefore, increase their quality of life.
Yes, the most frequent food intolerances usually Have a genetic basis. Therefore, we have the Genetic Test GoGood INTOLERANCE, through which We analyze the genetic risk of suffering intolerance to gluten, lactose and fructose.