La facial mesotherapy is a treatment that is applied through microinjections very superficial for the prevention of aging Facial and also to improve wrinkles and flaccidity, and for cpursue the global revitalization of the complexion of the face.
The treatment consists of the introduction into the deep dermis by means of micro-puncture of :
- Vitamins, minerals, anti-free radicals and hyaluronic acid
- Mother cells
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Facial mesotherapy
The bio-active supplements that are used contribute to the skin rejuvenation because they produce effects
- Rehydrating
- Revitalizing
- Restructuring
La Mesotherapy provides face lighting or with a smoothing of small wrinkles.
It is an ideal treatment for
- Young skins that want to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and be radiant
- Mature skin, since it improves hydration, regeneration, firming and filling of the skin
The micro-injections of these substances favor the stimulation of different biological metabolisms of the skin, as well as the repair of damaged skin. They act by regulating cell growth, slowing oxidation and aging, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin and other vital processes for skin balance and cell metabolism.
Once the skin is calm, it looks more toned and revitalized, with better texture, shine and thickness.
In the Division of Aesthetics and Apparatus of CSE we recommend you pre-condition your skin with:
- Facial cleansing
- Hydration / moistening treatment