Diets adapted to pathologies

In our Nutrition department in Tenerife, hacemos personalized diets to achieve your goals, adapting to pathologies such as hypo / hyperthyroidism, celiac disease, allergies, intolerances etc.

We want the patient feels comfortable with your dietary guidelines and acquire healthy lifestyle habits that last over time. And what better than a fully customized Plan!to ensure results and avoid frustration

We wait for you at  Aesthetic Health Clinic to know your case and chart together the best way to achieve your nutritional and health goals

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Diets adapted to pathologies

Yes, to perform diets adapted to various pathologies, such as thyroid pathologies, we must take into account a series of specific nutritional considerations, which will help you achieve your goals and promote your health. 

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Aesthetic Health Clinic - Dr Antonio García
C / La Marina, 23 (corner. Bouza), 38002 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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