Belkyra, an effective non-invasive method for chin removal

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Belkyra, an effective non-invasive method for chin removal

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The Laboratories Allergan have introduced in Spain a new product for the non-invasive treatment of localized fat in the submental area that is marketed in Europe under the name Belkyra.

What is Belkyra?

It is an injectable compound of deoxycholic acid, which when injected by means of microinfiltrations, is capable of destroying localized fat in the area, so it manages to reduce the accumulation of adipose tissue that alters the facial oval.

Which patients are the most suitable for this treatment?

This procedure is ideal for those who have tried to reduce the fat located in this area by other methods such as exercise or diet but can not get rid of it. On many occasions the dreaded double chin has no direct relationship with body overweight but is produced by hormonal imbalances and, above all, by genetic causes. This can be frustrating for the affected people, since it can convey an aspect of old age, excess weight or unhealthy not in accordance with the patient's real state.

Once the medical diagnosis is favorable to the application of  Belkyra, the treatment will be scheduled, which will be carried out in the medical consultation by our plastic surgeon, Dr. Antonio García.

How is the treatment performed?

This is a non-invasive procedure so the patient can return to their daily tasks immediately afterwards, although there may be some inflammation or redness during the following days.

It begins by applying an anesthetic cream that will make the treatment with Belkyra be as annoying as possible. Then a transparent grid is placed on the skin that will serve as a guide to perform the infiltration in an exact way in order to achieve a balanced and harmonious result.

Depending on the degree to be determined, two to four sessions can be scheduled, leaving an average of two months of recovery time between each one. In that interval the treated area calms down and the desired elimination effect occurs23130741_831060920401149_5857554738973928103_n.

Recovery time

Belkyra It is a very effective product, although it may present some minor temporary side effects, as occurs with most medical-aesthetic treatments.

The most common side effect is inflammation in the area, which will disappear in the following days. Nor should it be ruled out that possible bruising, itching or redness may appear or experience lack of sensitivity in the treated area for a few days.

Belkrya vs. liposuction

Belkyra It is an alternative treatment for people who aim to get rid of localized fat in the double chin area but who do not want to undergo surgery or have to rest for this reason. Each of these procedures have pros and cons.

In treatment with Belkyra, although the recovery period is shorter, it may take some time for the final results to be visible, while with liposuction these are practically immediate, although the recovery time will be longer and a band will have to be used than in the case of Belkyra It is unnecessary.

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Aesthetic Health Clinic - Dr Antonio García
C / La Marina, 23 (corner. Bouza), 38002 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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