Blepharoplasty in Tenerife: Why choose us?

The main cause of the loss of elasticity and the stretching of the eyelids is the normal process of the passage of time. The first manifestations of normal skin wear occur between the ages of 30 and 40 and progress every decade according to our genetic factors and lifestyle habits. Loss of elasticity in

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PRODEEP-CSE: Combats the effects of aging

As the years go by, we appreciate that our skin does not look as fresh as it used to, or that some faint or deep furrows have appeared that frighten us, or we also feel that the oval of our face is not so marked. And we ask ourselves: "What to do?" Fortunately we have alternatives, because aesthetic medicine and

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How to prepare your skin for winter?

Winter is the season that requires the most care due to the dryness and irritations it causes on the skin. It is essential that you prepare your skin for the cold with the most appropriate products and routines. Probably with the arrival of winter you will renew the clothes, and modify other routine aspects of the day to

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Gold to calm and illuminate the face after the summer

In CSE | Clínica Salud Estética we offer a wide range of aesthetic treatments, cocktails and active ingredients, with various application systems, specially designed to solve different dermatological problems and guarantee the health of your skin. After exposure to the sun, salt water or swimming pools, it is advisable to treat the skin to

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Pamper your look with our treatments

With the use of masks, the eye contour has become more relevant than ever. Wearing a beautiful, rested and vibrant look is possible with the treatments at CSE | Clínica Salud Estética we have for you. The skin around the eyes is 4 times thinner than the rest of the

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Aesthetic Health Clinic - Dr Antonio García
C / La Marina, 23 (corner. Bouza), 38002 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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